Starting with the production capacity of 4000 metric tons in 2005 , we have upgraded our production capacity to 75000 metric tonnes per annum. We equip our manufacturing units with the best and the latest machinery and equipment. Along with our competent and seasoned leadership and highly talented and dedicated group of people working in various departments with the highest integrity and passion, we can churn out perfection at every step of the production.
Our facilities house three separate world-class units with multiple lines dedicated to each colour. The manufacturing process relies upon both Single-Screw and Twin-Screw extruders, running on the sophisticated and efficient gravimetric feed system, capable of polymer extrusion and mixing and plasticizing abilities.
• We boast a highly developed laboratory with the latest equipment and our modern state-of-the-art material handling infrastructure and facilities are capable of prompt and safe deliveries across the globe.

We make sure our raw materials go through stringent checks. Our company also employees a system of extensive testing conducted rigorously to achieve the finest grade of masterbatches thus eliminating agglomeration, pinholes and minimising wastage to get the perfect output.